6 min readApr 9, 2021


Blind people have a lot of tension in their bodies meanwhile they want to stay healthy and safe therefore providing something with a guided voice could meet their needs.


In 2015, I was almost going to lose my eyes and become visually impaired because of an accident. Contact lenses burnt my retina. That night I was in the hospital and my retina was damaged. That was the worst day of my life but luckily it was fully recovered, however, this experience made me realize how life could be without seeing. Everyone can lose their eyes in a sudden accident. I become more empathetic to blind people and want to underline the needs of blind people. Therefore, I have decided to dive into human pose estimation. It is an interesting area that serves a lot for human problems such as people who need personalized coaching. For instance, blind people can benefit from human pose estimation technology. I would like to try and see how this technology makes blind people’s lives different.

What could make it different?


It is an advanced human–computer interaction that provides an opportunity in the context of personalized fitness and physical therapy. This enables several estimates, including the body’s position, such as lying down or stretching, its location within a scene, its movement and even the ability to assume the activity a body is performing, such as yoga or dancing.

Human pose estimation can be done with PoseNet. There are 17 key points that represent major joints like elbows, knees or wrists shown in the below picture.

Problem Space

According to a global study in 2020, 49.1 million people are blind, 221.4 million people have moderate visual impairment, 33.6 million people have severe visual impairment out of 7.79 billion world population (Bourne et al., 2020). It is not easy to neglect this disability as a vast amount of people are suffering from it. The main problem for their health is that blind people tend to gain more weight compared to people who can see properly because of their lack of movement. A study (Bozkir, Özer, & Pehlivan, 2016) was done in 2016 from Malatya, Turkey with physically disabled people aged between 20 and 65. The relationship between disability and obesity status was meaningful. The prevalence of obesity was found 21.3% in visually impaired people (Bozkir, Özer, & Pehlivan, 2016).

Being blind and fit should be compatible however it is not easy for most blind people to go to sports centres. Also, it is riskier to go out and do exercise when you are not aware of the social distance or the people who are coming close to you during this pandemic outbreak. Another option to stay fit and healthy is the tutorials with audio. Hearing the instructions of an exercise could help to stay fit but what if the poses are not done correctly? Who can constantly guide the blind person? What if a human voice can guide them while doing home exercise? How would that sound to blind people? If someone tells you to raise your arm to the side at shoulder height, you can use your eyes to do it correctly whereas blind people can not do that.

Understanding the Target Group

I have participated on an online blind and visually impaired community in social media (Facebook) to get some user insights and asked how did human pose estimation sound to them. I conducted interview with 5 people from the online community.

One of them liked the idea and told that he had learnt Tai Chi several years ago but if he had come across this technology before, he would have been happier. According to the talk, I created a user empathy map. That showed I am on the right track.

Research and Experiment Process

The first phase of my search was to do desk research. Human pose estimation is widely used and trendy in the computer vision field as I have seen lots of tutorials, blogs and websites about it.

Firstly, I had to choose which technology I was going to experience. For the Human Pose Estimation, the most used technique was PoseNet. PoseNet is a deep learning TensorFlow model and I played PoseNet Demos on store.googleapis posenet using Tensorflow.js models.

I realized that PoseNet has confidence parameters after the demo I tried “Pose Project” in Teachable Machine. It had more details and stages such as uploading, training and I have learnt the term of epoch. Epoch is one complete pass through the training data. These two experiences made me realize the stages of the pose estimation.

“Collect”, “train” and “load”.

Starting My Prototype

Building my actual prototype began with the tutorials from thecodingtrain.com. My web browser was able to detect my joints after downloading the requirements in my computer. The following step was to use some basic yoga poses and train the model. With the help of thecodingtrain.com, I had my codes to collect and save then train and finally load.

3 Stages of Pose Estimation with Sample Codes3 Stages of Pose Estimation with Sample Codes

The code detected my poses and collected them into a json file. I deliberately made my poses with some margins, I did not stand very still while capturing ( just incase for detecting the movements for other people)


Iteration 1: Same Poses Again To Increase The Dataset

In my first trial, I realized that it was not enough to train a model and it failed to load but after realizing the problem, I increaased the data set. I have trained enough poses under 4 poses and saved them into a json file with alphabets such as “A” means arms wide open. When the camera saw me with arms wide open, it showed “A” on the screen.

Iteration 2: Adding Feature To My Prototype

In the final week of my project, I tried to use text to speech which I was willing to do it. The most hardest thing was to arrange the speech when to stop and when to start again. In my first attempt, it never stopped talking then I had to write a condition for it in the javascript.

I used Google text-to-speech in JavaScript. The code was found in stackoverflow.

The Video: My Final Prototype

When it recognizes the correct pose as it is saved, it immediately tells ” welldone” to me.


Bourne, R. R. A., Adelson, J., Flaxman, S., Briant, P., Bottone, M., Vos, T., … Taylor, H. R. (2020, June 10). Global prevalence of blindness and distance and near vision impairment in 2020: Progress towards the Vision 2020 targets and what the future holds. https://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2767477.

Bozkir, Ç., Özer, A., & Pehlivan, E. (2016, September 8). Prevalence of obesity and affecting factors in physically disabled adults living in the city centre of Malatya. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5020754/.

Gaillard, F. (2019). Epoch (machine learning): Radiology Reference Article. Radiopaedia Blog RSS. https://radiopaedia.org/articles/epoch-machine-learning.

Oved, D. (2018, September 27). Real-time human pose estimation in the browser WITH TENSORFLOW.JS. https://medium.com/tensorflow/real-time-human-pose-estimation-in-the-browser-with-tensorflow-js-7dd0bc881cd5.

Shiffman, D. (2020, January 9). ml5.js: Pose Estimation with PoseNet. The Coding Train. https://thecodingtrain.com/learning/ml5/7.1-posenet.html.




As a curious data driven designer in Amsterdam. I can talk and listen to design topics forever.